Being a responsible employer


BIL offers a dynamic working environment in which every single employee has the opportunity to grow, reach their full potential, and thrive.

  • Create: Creating and inspiring change around the bank is a decisive step on the road to a successful performance.
  • Collaborate: Collaboration is at the epicenter of BIL's DNA, as the bank evolves quickest through teamwork and fast communication.
  • Care: Caring for BIL employees' well-being is deeply rooted in the bank's culture, fostering a positive workplace keen on constructive dialogue and flexible working conditions.

Create, Collaborate, Care. Through these corporate values, BIL makes the well-being of its employees’ paramount to its success. Being a responsible employer means being an employer of choice, especially in an ever-changing environment where team spirit and personal development are essential.

Guaranteeing the health and well-being of our employees

BIL attaches great importance to the well-being of its employees and provides them with an attractive benefits package seeking to guarantee both health and work-life balance. This package includes:

  • Various funds and allowances, provided according to specific needs that may arise during the employee's career (such as healthcare, major family events, and so on)
  • BIL's own fitness center, FIT4BIL, set up at its headquarters, which offers tailored coaching sessions and is accessible to all employees.
  • A wide range of sports and cultural associations, known as “GPOS” (Gestion Paritaire des Oeuvres Sociales). These programs aim to improve mental and physical health, whilst relying on the benefits provided by fitness of the mind and the body.
  • Regular employee engagement surveys, which enables BIL to better take the employees' needs and expectations into account.
  • A psychosocial assistance team called “People Care”, dedicated to helping employees in difficult situations and to ensuring they receive the needed support, with strict rules regarding anonymity, confidentiality, and neutral contacts.
  • Flexible working hours that help each employee to organize their day as well as possible, in order to improve work-life balance.

At BIL, each step of the employee’s journey is treated as an important one. Whether it be professional transitions or welcoming new members of their family, the Bank is supportive of every stage of their career.

Promoting diversity & inclusion

BIL firmly believes that diversity helps improve the Bank’s collective performance, as it brings a broader range of viewpoints, backgrounds, and strengths to the organisation. It ensures employees feel valued and welcome, boosting the bank's corporate values and creating a positive environment.

Multiple aspects make up BIL's strengths in terms of diversity and inclusion. The bank's workforce encompasses four different generations, making it a key asset for the organisation. BIL's strong commitment to equal career opportunities for women and men is also paramount in making sure the company offers the best possible employment conditions, whilst being an undeniable factor in attracting new talent. This is why BIL has also been a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2012, and of the Women in Finance Charter since 2023.

The Bank’s pledge goes further than just the Luxembourg borders. BIL Switzerland is indeed involved with the “Advance” association, showing their commitment to further Gender Equality in Business.

Veronika Stepanova

Head of Human Resources

“Our values – Create, Collaborate & Care – highlight our drive towards inclusion, equity and belonging at BIL. We want every single person who walks through our doors every morning to know that our Bank is a safe place where they can be their authentic self. Only when people feel comfortable in their own skin can they be happy and true to themselves. Diversity doesn’t look like anyone. It looks like everyone1.

1Karen Draper – author and inclusion advocate

Navigating career transitions and personal development

Career Transition, as well as employee development, are crucial factors in the bank's success. BIL aspires to give collaborators the best chances and opportunities for success, through training, internal mobility, recruitment, talent management, and other career transition measures.

The bank has its own in-house training hub called BIL Academy. BIL Academy offers a comprehensive training program, both online and in person, that is open to all employees regardless of length of service. It aims to encourage lifelong learning and continuous upskilling and improvement, and to foster a growth mindset.

Making sure employees have all they need for success during their career is one of BIL’s biggest responsibilities, as the bank strives to attract and keep talents within the company.

Prioritizing sustainability

Giving BIL employees adaptable working hours and guaranteeing an adequate work-life balance are essential to fostering a positive working environment. As such, BIL employees have the flexibility to manage their working hours based on their personal schedules and constraints, whilst also bearing in mind the bank's priorities. BIL wants to promote an agile bank, able to welcome the future of work, from homeworking to adaptable office hours.

BIL also aims to reduce car journeys and CO2 emissions by proposing alternative solutions and encouraging staff to use more sustainable means of transport. The bank offers new services such as car sharing, a carpooling app, as well as new charging stations and additional bicycle parking spaces on our premises. By promoting mixed mobility and a wider use of the available solutions, the bank hopes to address congestion, pollution, and carbon emission problems, while giving staff more convenient transport options.

To insist even more on critical sustainability issues, the bank organizes Sustainability Days for its employees to raise awareness about sustainable development. Games, challenges, and exhibitions are used to prompt staff to consider climate issues, their own carbon footprint or waste management within the bank, for example. Staff are also encouraged to actively participate in the search for best practices, thus enabling them to act as responsible citizens and employees.